Awesome Cuisine brings you quick and easy Indian Recipes that are healthy & delicious. Explore Indian Cuisine with food recipes from all parts of India.
Vendhaya Keerai Soup
Vallarai Keerai Peas Poriyal
Curry Leaves Chicken
Singapore Chicken Sambal
Keema Chicken
Wheat Rava Kesari / Diet Kesari
Sweet Corn Rice
Sprouted Green Gram Rice
Kattu Saadham / Kattu Saadam
Sarson da Subzi
Orange Juice Rice
Tomato and Ghee Rice
Beetroot Rice
Multi Powder Rice
Curry Leaves Powder Rice)
Sweet Ellodarai
Mixed Greens Rice
Tomato Masala Rice
Aloe Vera Payasam
A rich chocolaty, fruity drink.