Awesome Cuisine brings you quick and easy Indian Recipes that are healthy & delicious. Explore Indian Cuisine with food recipes from all parts of India.
Bacon and Egg Sandwich
Coorg Baby Jackfruit Curry
Strawberry Banana Cream Trifle
Quick and easy Mexican rolls that kids would love.
Chicken Club Sandwich
Tomato and Hotdog Pasta
Apple Nachos
Steamed Chicken with Soy and Leek Sauce
Crab Cakes with Corn Puree
Kids would love this sweet idli recipe.
Nuts Poli
Spicy Bread Rolls
Chocolate Sandwich
Mint Cheese Sandwich
Paneer Idli Masala Fry
Macaroni Masala
Simple and easy to make Veg Pasta
Paneer Veg Sandwich
South Indian Spinach Sambar
Roasted Red Bell Pepper Soup