Awesome Cuisine brings you quick and easy Indian Recipes that are healthy & delicious. Explore Indian Cuisine with food recipes from all parts of India.
A delicious Avocado Pasta recipe that is quick, easy, delicious and healthy.
A simple, tasty, easy to make and perfect pasta dish for those lazy days.
An easy to make, healthy and delicious stir-fry dish with tofu and choice of vegetables.
A popular and easy to make South Indian side dish recipe for lunch or dinner.
A delicious, easy to make and popular Chicken dish from the hilly regions of Nilgiris.
Paneer Vadai (or Paneer Vada) is a simple, easy to make and tasty snack for any occasion.
Rai Mirchi (or green chilli pickle with mustard seed paste) is a traditional, popular and easy to make Rajasthani recipe.
A delicious, mouth-watering and easy to make South Indian style Eral (Prawn) Kuzhambu.
A popular tea time snack and an appetizer, the Chicken Pakodas are simple, delicious and easy to make.
A popular Indo Chinese recipe, the Chicken Fried Rice is a delicious, simple and easy to make dish for a quick lunch or dinner.
A variation to the popular Gotsu, the Mango Gotsu is a tasty, delicious and easy to make side dish for roti, dosa or rice items.
Tomato Paneer (or Tamatar Paneer) is a delicious, easy and quick to make side dish for chapati or pulao.
A simple and easy to make salad, the Chicken Macaroni Salad is perfect as an appetizer, starter or as a picnic salad.