Babi 's Recipes

Babi 's Recipes1,282 recipes

A blog with hundreds of south Indian day to day veg and non-veg recipes with easy step by step pictures which will be helpful for beginners.

Cooking recipes from "Babi 's Recipes" - page 50

Homemade Garam Masala | Indian Spice Powder

Homemade Garam Masala | Indian Spice Powder

Indian garam masala, how to make garam masala powder at home

Caramel Bread Pudding | Bread Pudding Without Oven

Caramel Bread Pudding | Bread Pudding Without Oven

Bread pudding, baked pudding, flan recipe

Red Rice Idli | Healthy South Indian Breakfast

Red Rice Idli | Healthy South Indian Breakfast

How to make idli, red rice idli, south Indian

Omelette Sandwich | Bread Omelette Sandwich | Easy Breakfast Recipe

Omelette Sandwich | Bread Omelette Sandwich | Easy Breakfast Recipe

Breakfast, cheese omelette sandwich, how to make sandwich

Pazham Sarbath | KanyaKumari Special | Summer Drink | பழம் சர்பத்

Pazham Sarbath | KanyaKumari Special | Summer Drink | பழம் சர்பத்

Nagercoil famous street drink, summer cooler, nannari sarbath

Sago Kheer | Javarisi Payasam | Tamil New Year Recipe

Sago Kheer | Javarisi Payasam | Tamil New Year Recipe

How to make simple kheer/payasam, sago payasam

Mutton Curry | Easy Mutton Curry | Bachelor's Recipe

Mutton Curry | Easy Mutton Curry | Bachelor's Recipe

How to make mutton curry, coconut based mutton curry, meat recipe

Choc Chip Pancakes | Quick Pancakes for Kids

Choc Chip Pancakes | Quick Pancakes for Kids

How to make pancakes, easy pancake

Chocolate Ice Cream | No Churn Ice Cream

Chocolate Ice Cream | No Churn Ice Cream

How to make ice cream, homemade ice cream

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