Authentic, simple and healthy Italian bean salad is so easy to make, yet delicious and full of protein.
Haggis, Neeps and Tatties Stack for Burns Night is an example of how haggis can be served in the most enticing and beautiful manner.
Singapore chicken satay skewers is a super easy and versatile dish that even a child can make.
Tuna, Egg and Tomato Salad will become a favorite in no time after you make this the first time.
Deep fried, battered salt cod, or baccalà, is a traditional dish that is often made in Italy for Christmas Eve and during Lent.
This Italian salt cod salad is a simple dish that is traditionally made during Lent.
Scotch potato eggs (or "eggs") are a twist on traditional Scotch Eggs which are sausage-wrapped eggs, dipped in breadcrumbs and deep fried.
Individual Italian Easter Bread Rings are baked around an egg and decorated with icing and sprinkles.
Traditional Italian Easter Pie made with eggs, referred to as pizza rustica in Italian, is a typical Italian Easter creation.
Sautéed rapini is a simple side dish of Italian style broccoli.
Soft boiled eggs with soldiers is classic British breafast for children.
Grilled Camembert on the barbecue is going to change your life.
Raclette with potatoes and cornichons is a very Swiss dish.
Cucumber pinwheels, or cucumber and cream cheese sandwich rolls, are always a huge hit, no matter where or when you serve them.
This brie and truffle burger with mushrooms, arugula and crème fraîche is based on one of my favorite pizzas with the same toppings.
This tomato ricotta and basil antipasto is a twist on a caprese salad.
Orzo coffee substitute, a toasted barley drink, is such a delicious beverage, you won't mind skipping coffee.
Fresh mozzarella & mushroom toast is one of those super simple dishes that can be served as an appetizer, light lunch or even dinner with a salad.
Clam chowder without cream served in a sourdough bread bowl can taste just as thick and creamy as a higher calorie version.
Fried bread dough or fried pizza dough is a super simple, yet utterly delicious way to use dough.