A collection of some of my favorite recipes. All recipes are simple to make and use easy to find ingredients. Savory or Sweet, we have them all!
A delicious Banana Bread Muffins with Chocolate Chips recipe that you have to try! Fast & Easy to make and absolutely delish!
Hands down one of the absolute best Chicken Tortilla Soups you will ever have.
Can you imagine a casserole that tastes just like a bacon cheeseburger with fries? This casserole recipe tastes just like a cheeseburger with fries!
Allie's Chocolate Brownies recipe is a great cake-like brownie recipe for all you chocoholics out there!
Peanut Butter and Chocolate lovers need to pay attention to this recipe.
A super easy berry jam recipe with superfood Chia Seeds as the thickening agent.
This Blueberry Pound Cake is delicious! It is moist and bursting with blueberries.
A classic chocolate brownie recipe that is better than any brownie that comes out of a box.
A fabulous copycat recipe for Cracker Barrel's Broccoli Cheddar Chicken.