Craving Balance Between Healthy & Happy
Has something like this ever happen to you at dinner time? I had planned to just have my chia pudding for dinner around 530pm before I headed out for Zumba.
Happy Friday Everyone! Last night I had a very yummy and healthy dinner at an all organic restaurant called the Palm Greens Cafe in Palm Springs.
An "Accidentally" Vegetarian Day Some days I look back and realize I didn't eat any meat at all, I call these my accidentally vegetarian days! Breakfast yesterday started with refrigerator oats-greek yogurt style and a
Hello Monday, what are you doing back so soon? I feel like you were just here.
Two Quick and Healthy Breakfast Ideas Meal Idea #1: Savory Have you ever been to the Melting Pot? The Melting pot is a swanky fondue restaurant that I fell in love with in college.
Parfait Style Cold Oats Yesterday morning and this morning started the same creamy, cold, and delicious way.
Whew! Today really felt like a wednesday! I got back super late from Loma Linda last night after a much needed Chipotle/Yogurtland date with my old roommates and headed straight to bed.
Sweet Potato for Breakfast This mornings breakfast was uncharacteristically a HOT breakfast and it was soooooo good.
Happy Hump Day Everyone! Last night after 40 minutes of yoga from yogadownload.
Enjoy a healthy dessert for breakfast to fuel you for the day or a workout with this cranberry apple pie quinoa bowl ready in five minutes!
Whoa Mama today went by fast, I tell ya - if you start behind there is no catching up .
Good evening/night, I don't know how but the time flies by during the day, yet drags on and on while I study.
Man I can't believe it's Thursday already, I don't know why but I feel just as relieved as if I had a full time job.
Creamy Hummus-Yogurt Dip a delicious healthy dip, lower calorie than most hummus and appetizers.
Good Morning Everyone! This morning started at 4:30am for Paul and I, we crawled out of bed without hitting the snooze button and made it to the gym for an intense class complete with pylometrics,
Hello everyone and Happy Friday! Yesterday was a good day to say the least.
Looking for an easy and impressive dinner? This shrimp and goat cheese tortilla crusted quiche feels fancy but is easy to whip together in no time!
Happy Tuesday everyone, guess whats on my agenda? If you guessed studying your right, and tonight will be my second Alpha workout.
Happy Humpday everyone! Halfway there people! Last night's Alpha workout was interesting, it was more metabolic conditioning then strength which I was kind of bummed about because I feel like I'm pretty conditioned from all