Welcome to Les menus Plaisir! The site for free, delicious and homemade recipes, helpful advices, menus, the art of hospitality, playlists and much more…
This recipe originating from Northern Africa is absolutely delicious and frankly easy to make.
The dish is great for lunch boxes, for picnics, buffets, on sandwich bread or just scooped onto lettuce.
A bursting blueberry jam to add a pop of vibrant color to your French Toast ! Easy to prepare.
In the Southwest of France, we like using this cherry jam with French sheep or goat milk cheese.
Rhubarbe and strawberries make a pleasing pairing, and work especially well baked together in this easy dish.
If you are looking for something sweet, traditional, yummy, easy to make, and that will stay perfect for three days, you are at the right place! Another excellent choice on lesmenusplaisir for the lemon cake lovers is my Poppy Seed Lemon Cake.
Water kefir seeds develop and propagate in a sweet watery environment which makes it easy to share and give out to people around you.
It's a delicious and simple dish easy enough for all the family to have a go at making.