Cooking has become a passion. Everything starts with devising an original recipe. On my website you will get to know my Mediterranean fusion cuisine and I hope to inspire you...
A festively fresh and delicious starter with a dressing of honey and grain mustard.
Quinoa are nutritious seeds with a nutty taste that you can use perfectly in many dishes, like salads, breakfast,.
Avocado is so versatile and always delicious in a cold salad.
A summer salad with a heavenly taste combination of sweet, salty and smoked in combination with a fresh avocado dressing
Pasta salad with homemade tomato pesto, spinach, roasted mini bell pepper, feta and tasty Greek olives.
A fresh green lukewarm salad of green vegetables with a creamy Burrata cheese, nuts and seeds mixture, finished with a parsley pesto.
Eggs, zucchini and lemon seem a strange combination but believe me, once you have made this tortilla it will certainly come on the table more often.
A nice red colored salad of marinated red cabbage with beetroot and Mozarella, a real health bomb.
During the months of August and September, figs get a central position in our diet.