Traditional recipes made with real wholesome & unprocessed ingredients. Most recipes use minimal ingredients that you can find anywhere
Instant Pot White bean soup is a hearty and delicious vegetarian soup that is perfect for a quick dinner
An healthier and tastier way to enjoy egg salad! It's made with Greek Yogurt and the flavors of deviled eggs.
Mediterranean quiche with spinach is made with fresh ingredients on top of a hash brown potato crust.
Sweet and tender baby turnips are roasted in olive oil and garlic and tossed with turnip greens for a delicious spring side dish.
Turkey chili soup is a twist on traditional turkey chili.
Homestyle turkey meatloaf with mushrooms is a lighter version of an American Clasic.
Tex-Mex Stuffed Acorn Squash stuffed with ground turkey is savory, sweet and spicy all in one bite.
Turkey cranberry meatballs are filled with the all of the flavors of Thanksgiving.
Spinach feta turkey burgers are a delicious and healthy burger made with only four ingredients
Pressure cooker turkey chili is a delicious, spicy, and fresh dish made with lean ground turkey, beans, and fresh vegetables.
Air fryer crispy kale chips are the perfect mix of crunchy & healthy.
Lemon chicken and broccoli is a quick, easy and super flavorful dinner that is made in one pan and can be on your table in less than an hour.
Slow cooker Tri-Tip roast is a delicious fall-apart beef dinner that is easy to prepare with only three ingredients!
Instant Pot Red Wine Chicken is a flavorful chicken recipe that tastes like it's been cooking all day but can be ready in less than an hour.
Spicy chicken tortilla soup is filled with vibrant flavors that blend perfectly together to make a comforting and satisfying bowl of soup.
Portobello mushroom cheesesteak sandwich is made with meaty portobello mushrooms, peppers, onions and vegan cheese for a vegan version of a classic sandwich.
Veggie Philly style sandwich is a veggie-focused version of the classic Philadelphia sandwich.