Traditional recipes made with real wholesome & unprocessed ingredients. Most recipes use minimal ingredients that you can find anywhere
A flavor-packed chicken that takes very little time to make and perfect for a busy weeknight
5 ingredient chicken soup is a rich and satisfying chicken soup recipe that takes minutes to make!
Buffalo chicken tenders are breaded and coated in spicy buffalo sauce and air-fried to perfection.
A delicious and comforting slow cooker chicken dinner that takes very little time to prepare!
A little bit of pizza and a little bit of buffalo chicken and it's just perfect for tailgating or any time of year.
This easy peanut butter chicken recipe is a delicious meal made with simple ingredients that tastes great with cauliflower rice or white rice.
Here is a collection of healthy and easy ground chicken recipes that transform this mild-tasting meat into something flavorful every time.
Grilled Jerk Chicken breasts are made with a simple, yet spicy homemade marinade that is a combination of savory, spicy and sweet; just perfect for mild-tasting chicken breasts.
Lemon chicken and broccoli is a quick, easy and super flavorful dinner that is made in one pan and can be on your table in less than an hour.
Instant Pot Red Wine Chicken is a flavorful chicken recipe that tastes like it's been cooking all day but can be ready in less than an hour.
Spicy chicken tortilla soup is filled with vibrant flavors that blend perfectly together to make a comforting and satisfying bowl of soup.
Buffalo Chicken Flatbread Pizza is the perfect blend of buffalo chicken and pizza with a vegetarian option.
Chicken Murphy recipe is a super flavorful chicken dinner that is a combination of sausage and peppers meets spicy chicken & tomatoes.
Spicy ground chicken casserole with black beans is made with lean ground chicken, peppers, black beans in a spicy fresh tomato sauce,
Chicken Onion Soup is a savory dish that is made with sweet caramelized onions, and tender chicken breasts cooked in a flavorful onion sauce then topped with melty cheese.
Ground chicken and pasta casserole is an easy dinner idea that is filled with vegetables, ground chicken and pasta that can be made in less than one hour!
Chicken pasta salad with spinach is a flavorful combination of ingredients that are tossed in a sesame dressing for a flavorful pasta salad.