Traditional recipes made with real wholesome & unprocessed ingredients. Most recipes use minimal ingredients that you can find anywhere
An easy and delicious pizza homemade pizza sauce recipe that takes minutes to make!
Crispy and flavorful air fryer butternut squash fries are perfectly seasoned and easy to make in your air fryer!
A delicious chicken recipe that is filled with flavor and easy to make in a slow cooker.
An easy and convenient way to make shredded chicken is on top of the stove!
Shredded chicken in an Instant Pot is an easy way to make shredded chicken!
Air fryer asparagus is a delicious and easy side dish that features fresh asparagus spears cooked to perfection in an air fryer.
Sauteed Spinach and Mushrooms is an easy side dish that tastes great with your favorite entree
Strawberry crostini with goat cheese is a refreshing appetizer that is easy to make and perfect for summer entertaining.
Grilled chicken quesadillas are easy to make and perfect for an easy lunch or dinner.
Whole wheat buttermilk waffles are a tasty twist on traditional waffles.
A quick and easy twist on traditional red beans and rice that's packed with flavor!
Delicious and easy to make buffalo chicken dip is made with healthier ingredients