Recipes for baking and cooking with beer that marry my love of food and good craft beer.
Beer Braised Chicken Tacos with Beer Corn Tortillas
Why do I cook with beer? What is it about this fantastic beverage that drives me to create recipe after recipe with beer as a star ingredients? Flavor.
Blood Orange Beer Roast Chicken Let’s forget for a second that we’ve never actually met.
Grilled Lime and Herb Beer Chicken I have a beer fridge in my office!! There really isn’t a way to overstate how happy this makes me.
BBQ Beer Tex Mex Chicken Sliders in just 20-minutes Hi, my friends.
Stout Mushroom Gravy and Chicken with Beer Biscuits
Hot Beer Fried Chicken and Pepper Biscuits
Slow Cooker Honey Chili Pulled Beer Chicken Sliders
Chicken Thighs with Rosemary Tomato Beer Sauce
Baked Everything Bagel Beer Chicken Legs They tell me it’s all about the water.
Pulled Chipotle Beer Chicken Sliders I’ve made a decision.
Chili Brown Sugar Oven Beer Can Chicken A few months ago I sat at a table with a mess of brewers and beer people.
I had a camera in my face and a man four-inches shorter than me asking questions he should know the answers to.
Street Fair Grilled Beer Chicken There is a street fair in LA that I used to frequent, with chicken the smells so incredible it will haunt your dreams.
Mushroom Stuffed Hoisin Stout Glazed Chicken Thighs It can be suffocating, really.
Coq au Ale: Drunk French Chicken I’m in a back room of a brewery a few minutes after delivering the keynote address at a beer conference and I settle in to listen to a presentation about glassware.
I don’t make a lot of sandwiches that I want to post about.