Spice things up with your next smoothie and try this super green superfood smoothie that helps fight off energy slumps and sickness.
A healthy smoothie is a smoothie filled to the brim with nutrient-dense ingredients, giving the maximum amount of antioxidants while leaving you satiated! This green smoothie checks all the boxes.
Who needs oats for granola? This nutritional powerhouse is made with millet and buckwheat, along with chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, nut butter and coconut oil.
Orange Banana Smoothie - A Health Drink for the Summer.
Take your smoothie game to the next level and try this fruity explosion of a smoothie bowl.
Although watermelon is an annual plant but their green skin and deep red flesh really give a hint of summer.
Who thought that a cup of smoothie could have so many benefits? A smoothie is usually comprised of a fruits and/or vegetables and some liquid such as juice, water, or milk.