Facebook0Tweet0Pin0Yummly0Email0LinkedIn0Print0 Só, after this winter I decided to take the next sixty days to adopt healthier habits, to take my health back one day at a time.
This smoothie tastes like a treat but is packed with the good stuff!
Fresh root ginger adds a delicious touch of heat to this pretty red berry smoothie.
Our simple Pineapple Coconut Smoothie requires just 3 ingredients: frozen ripe pineapple, coconut milk, and your preferred sweetener.
Ragi Banana Smoothie is a healthy and tasty breakfast smoothie , packed with nutrients, provides lot of energy and keeps you full till your next meal.
Fruit and Veggie Smoothies are made with a delicious product I found at Aldi called Season’s Choice Fruit and Veggie Orange Smoothie Blend.