Soya chunks are rich in protein and making korma with soya chunks was very tasty.
Chilli chicken gravy is a popular Indian Chinese recipe of deep fried chicken, stir fried in soya chilli based sauce with herbs and spices.
Now, obviously you can’t make a really authentic cheesecake if you don’t eat dairy – you do need plenty of cream cheese after all! I’ve made plenty with soya cream cheese wh…
Ingredients: Chicken- 1 kg Beaten eggs- 2 Sesame seeds- 250 gms All purpose flour- 1 cup Dark soya sauce- 1 tbspn Ginger- garli.
A blog about Indian and International cuisine, with simple steps and catchy pictures.
A blog about Indian and International cuisine, with simple steps and catchy pictures.
Soya Bean Potato Curry Recipe in Tamil.
Chilli Egg with Gravy is a spicy curry where boiled Egg nuggets are cooked in Onions, Peppers, Tomatoes and soya sauce.