Craving a delicious burger stacked tall with all the good stuff? Try this very basic and easy recipe that uses minimal ingredients.
Shredding the sweet potatoes and collards in a food processor and shallow-frying the fritters instead of deep-frying makes this recipe super quick and easy!
Sweet Potato White Chocolate Chip Cookies • Learn how to make delicious sweet potato cookies with this fun and festive Thanksgiving recipe!
Meal prep for Thanksgiving or Christmas is easy with these rolled turkey fillets, gluten-free chestnut & cranberry stuffing & sweet potato salad.
I had been thinking of turning my Butternut Squash Pie into tartlets, but then discovered a pack of silken tofu in fridge that needed to be consumed as soon as possible, so I made an adjustment and decided to try tofu tartlets instead.
Don’t mind me – Korean cuisine has always held an important spot in my heart/tummy and if you read about my jjajangmyeon post last week, you’ll understand my constant craving for K-food.
Do you want a unique twist to Mexican Rice Bowl? I skipped classic rice and made some fajita spiced riced sweet potato.
These flavorful sweet potato hash browns have a crispy exterior with enticingly tender shreds of sweet potatoes hiding underneath.