Recipe White soup instant pot - You may wonder what the recipe is about with such a title! It just consists of preparation for a baby with white vegetables including potatoes, cauliflower and celery root.
Recipe Tripe instant pot - This is a simple and quick way to prepare a dish of tripe to share with your friends.
Recipe Salmon steak and shrimps instant pot - This is another version of salmon steak with leeks and some shrimps to put some color in the dish.
Recipe Beef meatball and a sweet sauce instant pot - This is a dish that combine meatball with a sweet sauce like you often find in Asian countries.
How to make the panna cotta with peach and nectarine with thermomix in 10 minutes? A thermomix recipe foolproof with 9 ingredients, in 8 steps.
How to make BBQ Chicken and Cheddar Sandwich at home.
Recipe Salad of green lentils instant pot - This is a recipe that goes to suit a vegetarian as well as somebody concerns with calories.
Recipe Pasta with carrots and Laura's vegetarian ham instant pot - Do you want to try something different? This is a vegetarian recipe where you can adapt the amount of ingredients depending of the number of guests.