Recipe Crozet (French pasta), cheese and country ham instant pot - You have here some special type of French pasta with cheese and ham.
Recipe Penne pasta with carrots, zucchinis and St Moret cheese instant pot - This is a good complete recipe comprising of pasta, vegetables, meat, and cheese in a light way.
Healthy crack chicken is a cleaned-up version of traditional crack chicken.
Recipe Fillet mignon with its goose liver sauce instant pot - This is an easy and quick way to present your roast with a fancy sauce.
Recipe Beef kidney instant pot - Do you like organ meat? If you answer by the affirmative, you could try that simple recipe of beef kidneys.
Recipe Chicken tajine with black plums instant pot - This is also a recipe with a lot of ingredients but very little preparation.
Recipe Mexican rice instant pot - If you want a real Mexican dish, you will have to spice it up a little bit.
Recipe Terrine of wild boar instant pot - This is a good recipe when wild hogs are in season.
Recipe Chicken with vegetable rice and soft creamy cheese with herbs and garlic flavors instant pot - This is a fast and simple recipe of chicken, rice and chopped vegetables.