Recipe Rougay with sausages in a Nath Van style instant pot - How about a mixed up of sausages, tomatoes, and spices? It's a quick and simple recipe that should be enjoyed by your friends.
Recipe Chicken cutlets with soft runny French cheese instant pot - Here, we are going to try the chicken cutlets in a light manner for our weight watchers friends.
Recipe Risotto with endives instant pot - The risotto will be prepared in many different ways depending on the region or country but it will always contain rice.
Recipe Lentils and Montbeliard and Strasbourg sausages instant pot - If you like mix sausages with lentils, that recipe is for you.
Recipe Orange duck thigh and carrots instant pot - Here, we have some duck thighs in an orange sauce with s few vegetables.
Recipe Curry chicken in minutes instant pot - All you have to do to prepare that recipe is to gather a handful of Asian ingredients.
Recipe Risotto with asparagus instant pot - Is springtime coming and asparagus are back? Well then, why not try the risotto with asparagus? It's easy and quick to make.
Recipe Tagliatelle with seafood cocktail instant pot - Do you like seafood? If you are affirmative, you could try that easy recipe.
Recipe Lobster curry in the Reunionese way instant pot - Lobster tails are always delicious.