Recipe Veal stew carrots and potatoes instant pot - The veal stew with potatoes and carrots will be welcome any day of the week by the whole family.
Recipe Red cabbage with apple and bacon instant pot - This is an easy and simple recipe with red cabbage mixed up with some apple and wine.
Recipe Chicken tajine with black plums instant pot - This is also a recipe with a lot of ingredients but very little preparation.
Recipe Gnocchi and salmon instant pot - The gnocchi will be mix up with soft cheese and salmon.
Recipe Potatoes with green beans and chicken Strasbourg sausage instant pot - Are you having your weight watchers friends for supper? The following recipe could very well delight the crowd.
Recipe Chicken with cashew nuts instant pot - Do you like cashew nuts? Then, you could prepare that simple recipe of chicken with the nuts.
Recipe Cake with old bread instant pot - Instead of throwing away your old bread, you may want to try to use it to prepare that easy recipe.
Recipe Turkey fillet, precooked wheat in a mustard sauce instant pot - This is another recipe for people that want to present a healthy dish in very little time.