Little S has gone off toast – I think she’s at that age when taste buds become extremely fussy since she only eats small amounts of everything but cucumber.
I always try to make some homemade treat at the weekend so that the girls can have a tempting homemade goodie when they get home from school.
I think it’s going to be a bumper blackberry year – the bushes are already bowing down with the little back gems.
This time of year is perfect for a culinary road trip, a way to pretend you’re in sunnier climes that the cold grey of February.
I know, I had mentioned, a while back, many posts ago , the awesomely wondrous cooking skills of my mother- in- law, I have failed in show.
Ok, maybe this isn't the three part smoothie I'd enticed you with at the end of that last sporadic and lengthy session.