Rich and fudgy brownie cookies with peppermint bark in every bite.
My Spiced Pumpkin Pecan Maple Cupcakes are little bites of winter heaven.
New Year's Eve Easy Party Appetizers Recipes - quick and delicious little bites for your party or New Year's Day celebrations!
Party Food | Italian Sausage & Ravioli Appetizer Recipe - the perfect bite-size recipe for a chic yet super simple appetizer or starter!
Party Food | Tapenade Crostini Bites Recipe - perfect easy dish for appetizers or dinner party starters, made with olives and tasty ingredients!
Bite-Size Fruit Tarts for Spring - learn to make these delicious, fun and quick to make fruity appetizers for Spring parties, Easter or snack!
Fat Ninja Bite is a small Asian fusion joint in Toronto just south of Pacific Mall known for massive chicken katsu burgers and taro chips.
Snacks, also known as appetizers, if you want to be fancy about it, are basically my soul foods.
This delicious crispy jackfruit with curry sauce is a good alternative for fried chicken.
Serundeng daging is a fried beef with spiced grated coconut.
This rice vermicelli and dried squid salad inspired by a classic Khmer noodle salad, though there is a lot of Thai and Vietnamese influence in this recipe.
Love is not always about two lovebirds singing a love song for each other.
These fried okra bites are out of this world! Bite-size okra pieces coated lightly with egg and flour, then deep-fried to crispy, golden brown perfection.
The crispy oyster mushroom was my favourite snack when I was in college.
I’m not vegetarian but seriously who can resist this colourful bowls.