Do you know how to cook buckwheat kasha? Measure your portion ( 1 cup buckwheat feeds 4 people)rinse, roast for 5 min on a medium heat or until golden, pour into the pot, add water (remember 2:1 portio which means 2 cups water per 1 cup kasha, bring.
Mushroom and Spinach Buckwheat Risotto for a healthy and delicious dinner
Buckwheat flour Poori, a delicious poori which is gluten free, vegan and fasting friendly for those fasting during Navratri
Delicious Buckwheat (Kuttu) dosa, best suited for anyone fasting for Navratri or on gluten free diet.
Gluten free, vegan; Free of: peanuts, soy, sesame, tree nuts (except coconut)
An easy healthy vegetarian salad made witih buckwheat and roasted vegetables.
A protein packed, super healthy recipe for buckwheat and lentil salad, you can also eat for lunch.
Buckwheat Sourdough Pancakes, 70’ Cereal Buchwheat Sourdough Pancakes are made with buckwheat flour.