How to make Grilled Chicken with Lime and Coriander at home.
Coriander Tomato Chutney Recipe in Tamil.
எலுமிச்சை மற்றும் கொத்தமல்லி ஆகியவற்றால் சுவைமிக்க நூடுல்ஸ் கொண்ட ஆரோக்கியமான தெளிவான சூப்.
This light and tasty citrus and coriander rice makes the perfect side dish for a rich stew.
INGREDIENTS: Red beans- 1 cup Basmati rice- 1 cup Water- 1 and a half cups Ginger- garlic paste- 1 Tbspn Mint and Coriander leaves.
Mint and Coriander Leaves Chutney is spicy and is a great accompaniment with any dish.