Awesome Cuisine brings you quick and easy Indian Recipes that are healthy & delicious. Explore Indian Cuisine with food recipes from all parts of India.
Children's Day marks an eventful occasion in the life of your child that should be made memorable in all possible manners.
Healthy eating provides your body with the energy and nutrition for its proper functioning, reduces your risk to many life threatening diseases, and protects you against several disorders and diseases.
The minute you open your eyes the next morning after a terrific and no-holds barred drinking spree, you feel dizzy and sick, and head splitting into pieces and above all you feel severe dehydration and nausea.
Children develop a natural inclination for only the foods they like the most, so the challenge becomes to make healthy choices more appealing.
Besides having a sweet taste, Ghee is great for revitalizing, and is also extremely good for vision, the eyes, digestion, also stamina, even the intellect, sleeping, aphrodisiac drive, and also protection of overall health.
Green apples have an excess of soluble fiber in them over red counterparts and the sugar content is 0.
Navratri marks the divine occasion of invoking the blessings of the nine forms of Goddess Durga through nine days characterized by the intense religious fervor and observance of rituals prescribed by the scriptures.
Eid ul Fitr or the "festival of fast breaking" is the most popular of all Muslim festivals.
The Hemoglobin level in the blood should be safely maintained at around 12.
The taste & variety of South Indian food seem to astound us! They encourage our taste buds to enjoy perfect and irresistible flavors, typical of the South Indian soil.
Ghee is that yellow fluid which you get on melting butter after the milk solids are removed.
Taste, prepare and enjoy the different varieties of paneer dishes and add color to your kitchen and dining table.