Clinical Nutrition for Digestive Health + Endurance Performance
This post was going to be about how I have the greenest green thumb and my peas won’t stop producing (my mom would be so proud) so I have to keep finding new ways to eat them th…
It has been a while since I rounded up all the inspirations that are lifting me and the last couple of months, there has been much.
I’ve had a whole line of early summer recipes to share, which I tested on repeat until getting just right.
After sharing about my experience with eating at the relay, I got a request to share the kitchari that I made and ate during the race.
In one of my first nutrition classes, we read the book Nourishing Wisdom and I distinctly recall a section about the flavor of place, and how the author found himself loving and craving pizza when …
At times over the years, I’ve considered making this a blog of oatmeal recipes.
Did I tell you my summer term was a real whopper? I probably did because I complained and/or used it as a (valid) reason to opt out of a whole host of summer social activities that I wanted …
It seems that time is getting away from me this summer.
This summer, myself and a group of fellow nutrition students and alums are reading Deep Nutrition for a book club we’ve started.
Strawberry Rhubarb Muffins I’ve been hearing from many athletes lately about the (hopeful) return of summer and fall races.
Every summer I have a meal that’s on repeat, usually as a way to use what’s coming in fast from the garden or otherwise to appease my cravings.
At this point in the summer, it’s easy to start feeling a little hot, overheated, and irritable, both internally (mood and digestion), and externally (skin irritation and inflammation).
Even though I am no longer a teacher, there is something about the beginning of the school year that gets me excited for a fresh start, eager minds, clean hallways, and a newly decorated classroom.
In a quest to cook more in community, and educate in a hands-on format again, I’ve been leading routine cook-a-longs this summer.
I stop suddenly on the trail, leering to the left, then swinging right.