Cooking has become a passion. Everything starts with devising an original recipe. On my website you will get to know my Mediterranean fusion cuisine and I hope to inspire you...
Ensaladilla Rusa, a typical Spanish dish, with a delicious twist of shrimps and salmon roe.
Ensaladilla Rusa, a typical Spanish dish, with a sophisticated twist of shrimps and salmon eggs
Orzo with endive in coconut sauce and spicy salmon balls, a simple and quickly prepared dish
Simple and healthy cod recipe with white giant butter beans, tomato and garlic.
Chicory, a classic Belgian vegetable combined with a fresh touch of coconut and coriander
Delicious fish dish enriched with tomatoes, olives and almonds and served with homemade potato croquettes
A delicious dish that proves that simple can also be extraordinarily tasty.
Endive is a vegetable that is at its best in autumn and winter.
A symphony of flavors combined in an artistic and delicious breakfast or lunch
Discover the delicious harmony between land and sea on your plate with this tasty salad
A healthy and tasty meal, especially during hot days when you want to eat something refreshing
Anchovy is a small saltwater fish belonging to the herring family.
Octopus salad, wonderfully summery and especially popular in Mediterranean cuisine.
We absolutely love tartar! You can also vary endlessly with fruit, vegetables, fish or meat.
Pasta shells filled with tuna, corn and mascarpone in a spicy tomato sauce with pointed pepper.
Toast with homemade smoked mackerel salad, tasteful, deliciously spicy