Cooking has become a passion. Everything starts with devising an original recipe. On my website you will get to know my Mediterranean fusion cuisine and I hope to inspire you...
Craving a healthy and delicious soup packed with fresh vegetables?
Get a taste of summer with this refreshing cucumber soup based on basil, celery, yoghurt and garlic!
Pure perfection, simple, creamy and irresistibly delicious!
Fresh leek soup, enriched with crispy fried celeriac for a surprising twist.
Taste a little sun in every spoonful, rich in flavor, pure and fresh!
Chestnut soup is known for its unique, nutty flavor and is a fantastic autumn soup.
Delicious pumpkin soup with sweet potato, a simple and warming autumn recipe.
A delicious, tasty soup that is easy to prepare.
Tasty fresh summer soup with a fruity touch, a variation on the local Spanish "ajo blanco" soup.
Chickpeas with spinach, a traditional dish from the Spanish kitchen that is very nutritious, tasty and also easy to prepare.
The tastiest and simplest recipe of fine pea soup with crispy snow peas
Surprisingly tasty, very nutritious and what a beautiful colors!
Surprisingly tasty, very nutritious and what a beautiful colors!