Cooking has become a passion. Everything starts with devising an original recipe. On my website you will get to know my Mediterranean fusion cuisine and I hope to inspire you...
Pumpkin soup with a sweet velvety taste, the spicy touch of ginger and crispy baked pumpkin seeds.
A classic among soups but this time with a twist, the way I prepare them.
Looking for an easy recipe for a delicious fennel soup? This one for sure you will like!
Minestrone, originally an Italian meal soup, is actually a spring soup, but this soup full of vitamins can certainly taste good during the winter months.
A nutritious and warming soup starring lentils, a source of iron, magnesium, fiber and so much more.
Nice and fresh gazpacho with the sweet taste of watermelon.
Gazpacho is a classic one in Spanish gastronomy! This ice-cold soup of raw vegetables contains many vitamins, and is also thirst-quenching and hunger-satisfying.
Because the soup is so rich in nutrients and vitamins, this soup is mainly eaten during Ramadan.
Surprisingly delicious, full of flavor and very refreshing during the warmer summer months
By adding the avocado, the soup gets a delicious creamy texture and flavor.
I am not a big fan of pizza and if we eat one I prefer to prepare it with a lot of vegetables.
A delicious and simple meal of soup, for me the perfect lunch.