Traditional recipes made with real wholesome & unprocessed ingredients. Most recipes use minimal ingredients that you can find anywhere
This recipe for mini bell pepper nachos is perfect for a quick dinner or an appetizer.
Garlic lemon broccoli is made with just a few simple ingredients and is packed with fresh flavors
An easy recipe that is perfect for a busy weeknight meal when you want delicious and satisfying but don't have a lot of time!
An easy and delicious pizza homemade pizza sauce recipe that takes minutes to make!
If you've never tried tofu, you might be wondering what does tofu taste like? Keep reading to find out about the flavor .
However, if you've never tried kale, you might wonder what does kale taste like? If so, you are in the right place
Philly Cheesesteak pasta combines the classic flavors of a Philly Cheesesteak with pasta for a hearty and satisfying meal.
Crispy and flavorful air fryer butternut squash fries are perfectly seasoned and easy to make in your air fryer!
A delicious chicken recipe that is filled with flavor and easy to make in a slow cooker.
An easy and convenient way to make shredded chicken is on top of the stove!
Shredded chicken in an Instant Pot is an easy way to make shredded chicken!
A delicious chicken made in one pan that's perfect for the family or entertaining!