Recipes for baking and cooking with beer that marry my love of food and good craft beer.
I don’t make a lot of sandwiches that I want to post about.
Tortillas are one of those glorious foods that I have found myself continuing to make from scratch.
Being wrapped in a world filled with food people, the lovers, academics and fanatics, I’ve often lost my footing.
Remember the Beer Cooking Scale I told you about last month, the one I want to invent? The one that would let you know the approximate level of Beeryness the final product has? This recipe is at both ends of that yet-to-be-invented scale’s spectrum.
This week will be full of recipes for Guinness.
Homebrewer turned brewery owner isn’t a new phenomenon; in fact, it’s historically the path most commonly taken by those who head our favorite breweries.
Beerscotti: Chocolate Beer Biscotti, Made with Beer for Beer
You aren’t always aware of the nexus of a true obsession.
I know that Oktoberfest started as the celebration of a royal wedding that would have put the recent William/Kate union to shame.
Porter Caramelized Onion, Roasted Tomato and Goat Cheese Bites Best Beer Trends of 2015 Grapefruit: Grapefruit became the new bacon in 2015 making its way into nearly all styles of beer from IPA’s to sours.
Thanksgiving Leftovers Recipe: Black Friday Empanadas