A blog dedicated to Mediterranean food. Resource for traditional and modern Mediterranean and healthy recipes.
Simple recipe for Mont blanc, the most delicious chestnut dessert.
Easy recipe for roasted vegetables which get coated with a delicious, sticky, sweet and savory balsamic glaze.
Learn how to make the best, easy vanilla creme brulee by following just 5 steps and some simple instructions for the creamiest french dessert (plus a sous vide method)
This easy vegan olive oil cake (Fanouropita) is one of the most tender and moist cakes ever! The chocolate-tahini ganache takes it over the top!
Make this healthy tahini sauce (aka lemon tahini dressing) to add creaminess and taste to your falafel, wraps and salads.
Homemade tahini is made from whole or hulled sesame seeds.
This creamy cucumber salad recipe with an easy dressing is full of healthy ingredients like Greek yogurt, miso paste, dill and olive oil.
Follow this lemon possets recipe for an amazing, easy and quick dessert.
Homemade vanilla sugar is an easy way to flavor all your baked goods and desserts with the aroma of real vanilla.
This cucumber salad recipe with red onion and an easy dressing with olive oil and red wine vinegar is a healthy Greek side dish perfect for every occasion.
Learn the simple steps to make these easy homemade chocolate truffles with only 3 basic ingredients.
This easy escargot recipe is a Greek snail risotto with tomato sauce.
This easy white chocolate cream and strawberry trifle is served in individual glasses but the recipe can also be used to fill a traditional trifle bowl.
This easy risotto is made with Parmesan, ham or pancetta and without wine.
This is an easy recipe for a moist vanilla bundt cake with a hint of white chocolate flavor.