A blog dedicated to Mediterranean food. Resource for traditional and modern Mediterranean and healthy recipes.
A very easy and quick recipe with all the Thai flavors we love! It’s made in one pan and is naturally gluten free!
A fun and easy treat for the holidays! These truffle snowmen will become a favorite, either for your children or for your guests!
A simple, easy and frequently requested chicken recipe! Cooked in 30 minutes, it can also be made with a big turkey breast, to feed the crowds!
This is a simple and easy Greek traditional chicken pie with feta cheese and olive oil.
Some call it apple crumble pie, others call it apple crumb cake.
These sweet cretan cheese pastries are basically the traditional greek version of cheesecake.
This bacon pasta with tomato sauce is a quick and easy spaghetti recipe you can make with fresh or canned tomatoes.
A simple, easy and healthy Mediterranean & mayo-less potato salad, perfect for a plant based diet! Gluten free and vegan also!
A simple and easy method for perfect fluffy rice in a pot, every time! Use Basmati or Jasmin rice for extra flavor.
If you haven't tried cuttlefish stew before, this is the perfect recipe to start with.