I started taking ballet when I was 2 years old, and my mom started taking me to see The Nutcracker every year not too long after.
There are many different versions of the origin of Red Velvet Cake but the truth is still a mystery.
Happy Halloween, y’all! Are you dressing up this year? Toby and I are at the airport, on our way to Kentucky for homecoming festivities at his alma mater, Centre College, so I am not wearing a full-on costume, but I am wearing some leopard-print items.
On Monday, I happened to see a post on Baltimore Diner about Baltimore’s first-ever Cupcake Camp.
The weather here in Virginia has been pretty much like spring in the last week, rather unusual for this time of year.
These Chocolate Valentine's Day Cupcakes with Strawberry Frosting and M&M's® have a rich chocolaty flavor, with M&M's® Strawberry hidden inside the cake! Plus the cupcake is topped with a sweet strawberry frosting, that uses real strawberries, and finally.
You may recall that I love Peeps, which disgusts my friend Aaren and delights my normally uber-healthy friend Olga.