Watermelon & Rosé Granita Cocktail - a delicious, refreshing, easy to make batch cocktail recipe for summer parties and entertaining!
Watermelon is king during the summer months, and today I have a refreshing drink recipe for your long, hot summer days: a Blueberry Watermelon Lemonade!
We love the Spanish Gazpacho and how nutritious, and fresh it is.
Simple and refreshing Watermelon Honey Lime Slushies are a delicious way to cool down on a hot day! Fresh frozen watermelon is combined with lime juice and honey for a tart and sweet frozen beverage.
Watermelon is the perfect summer fruits and it can be enjoy in many ways.
Summer & watermelon are basically synonymous.
This pitcher of Watermelon Mojito is lightened up with very little sugar, yet is still perfectly sweetened, refreshing, and everything you want in a cocktail.