Recipe Ramekin of minced ham instant pot - Here is a cool recipe for a baby of about 1-year-old.
Recipe Potato, zucchini, and pea soup with vermicelli instant pot - This is a good soup with some delicious vegetable combination for a baby.
Recipe Green soup instant pot - Do you wonder what is in a green soup? Try it, you won't be disappointed.
Recipe Mashed potatoes with parsnips and carrots instant pot - Here is another combination of ingredients to be mashed for a baby.
Recipe Mash potatoes with sweet potatoes instant pot - In this recipe, 2 potatoes are mixed up together even if one of them isn't really a potato.
Recipe Mashed of potatoes and flat beans instant pot - Potatoes make great mash because of there texture and starchy ways.
Recipe Mash of carrots with pepper and tomatoes instant pot - A couple more ingredients are added the mashed carrots.
Recipe Mash carrots and eggplants instant pot - Here, we have a mash of eggplants and carrots for a baby or an adult as well.