A blog about Indian and International cuisine, with simple steps and catchy pictures.
You won't believe how easy is to make this delicious Peanut and Coconut Ramen Soup with Tofu recipe at home.
This easy cream of potato soup is loaded with ham and comes together with just 6 ingredients.
This Mexican Cornbread is loaded with cheese and flavor! Serve it with a bowl of chili or any soup of your choice.
Whenever you're wondering What To Serve With Enchiladas, look no further, I have everything you need to round out your enchilada dinner! Everything is gathered here for your quick and easy dinner planning from appetizers, chips and dips, to soups, salads,.
Spinach and vegetable soup Ingredients: (serves 4) Chopped spinach leaves- 4 cups Onion- 1 medium sized(finely chopped) Tomato.
I have for you today a Keto Vegetarian Spinach Soup, which has the distinct flavour of coconut in it.