Making yhour own pastry is easy with packagd puff pastry; simply add the flavors of your choice and bake.
Lamb Burgers with Goat Cheese and a Cabernet Wine Sauce are a most unique burger and absolutely delicious!
Warm cherry tomatoes are nestled in mozzarella cheese on top of toasted bread; this is summer heaven!
You cannot go wrong with this Canyon Creek Burger from Ted's Montana Grill.
A delightful stack of flavors including goat cheese, sundried tomatoe, basil and honey in a pretty appetizer that everyone will love.
A great make ahead dish the night before for a special breakfast.
We love creamed corn, especially with fresh summer corn and this Creamed Corn with Bacon and Cream Cheese is a family favorite.
Brie is grilled on Ciabatta bread with apple slices and a cranberry, whole grain mustard and honey flavored mayonnaise.
A fabulous combination of tender short rib meat, caramelized onions, white cheddar cheese and fresh arugula; altogether a great sandwich.
A fabulous grilled cheese with pancetta, cheddar and apples on a croissant.
Bacon and Sour Cream make this Potato Salad one of the very best; perfect for summer events.
A great tasting cake with the freshest of ingredients and a Limoncello glaze to kick it up a notch!
Light mounds of fluffy egg and bread crumbs are topped with tomato sauce and cheese; a wonderful appetizer or even main course if going meatless.
Roasted Vegetable Pasta with Goat Cheese is a great marriage of ingredients while also simple to make and a wonderful main course or side.
Rich and flavorful with smoked Gouda, caramelized onions and bacon, this macaroni and cheese is cooked on the stove-top and finished with a flavorful bread crumb topping.
Slow cooked short ribs with a porter sauce are served over cheese grits.
If you love French Onion Soup, then this rustic French Onion Galetteis for you; caramelized onions with Gruyere cheese and thyme on a flaky crust.
Make this Carrot Zucchini Quick Bread with Toasted Walnuts and bring a bit of that carrot cake flavor to the table by topping it with a Cream Cheese Glaze.