Vampyre Seabreeze cocktail is a twist on a Seabreeze cocktail, by using the blood red colored Vampyre vodka.
White Russian Cupcakes with Vodka Buttercream Icing are not something to serve at your 5th grader's birthday party: for adults only!
This penne alla vodka recipe is a super quick and easy pasta dish that you'll make over and over again.
This fruit punch recipe is perfect for any occasion! It’s incredibly easy to make, the whole process only takes only few minutes.
Make your own flavored-infused vodka with this Vanilla Vodka Recipe and you will end up with flavored vodka that's not overly sweet.
Orange juice and vodka, poured over ice in a tall, skinny glass and garnished with lime — it’s hard to improve on a classic highball.
Cranberry Vodka Christmas Punch Recipe - a quick, easy and super delicious big-batch cocktail, perfect for serving a crowd during the holidays!
This incredible Godiva Chocolate Martini combines rich and delicious Godiva chocolate liqueur, vodka, milk, and Bailey's Irish Cream! It is the dessert cocktail that chocolate fans will rave about and ask for more!