Clinical Nutrition for Digestive Health + Endurance Performance
Several years ago, I stayed with a few girlfriends at a B&B run by Agnes, who lives on a farm off the western edge of Ireland.
I woke up at 4:30 again this morning with a head full of words needing to come out.
Most of my friends and aquaintances know me as the girl that knows a bit about agriculture and growing vegetables.
Wondering what to do with DIY whole-grain mustard, besides eat a sandwich? I may have been chronically faulted for my obsession with sandwiches–but there is something I do love using whole-g…
William took over my yoga mat the other night and started doing weird yoga-esque stretches I’ve never seen before.
I received free samples of California walnuts mentioned in this post.
I cooked my first winter squash this week, a delicata from the garden.
I made it to the end of a whole year of nutrition grad school and on the last day of finals I made doughnuts to celebrate bake off the mad I experienced when the server went down and …
Everything is connected here…the soil feeds the plants that feed us.
At the end of last summer, I purchased a tiny parcel of smoked paprika from the pepper man at our farmers market.
It is Recipe Redux time again(!) This month’s theme is Cocktails and Mocktails for May Celebrations.
I’ve had a whole line of early summer recipes to share, which I tested on repeat until getting just right.
A few weeks ago, i discovered there’s a seemingly abandoned quince tree a couple streets over from us.
I have a big race planned for the morning of the 4th and am now in full on taper mode for the next few days.
For my birthday in May 2006, my college roommate and good friend gave me a paper bag full of apples.