Simple and delicious whole food plant-based recipes with no oil or refined sugar. Practical tips on transitioning to plant-based lifestyle. Balanced meal plans.
Learn how to make a healthy gluten-free vegan pumpkin pie recipe without crust.
Learn how to make healthy vegan pumpkin cheesecake with tofu that is oil-free, refined sugar free, gluten-free, and suitable on vegan Candida diet (except on cleanse).
This gluten-free vegan egg salad sandwich is super easy and quick to make as you’ll only need 1 bowl, a fork and 10 minutes of your time.
Learn how to make fermented buckwheat bread that uses no starter and is also gluten-free and sugar-free.
Simple and delicious oil-free vegan salad dressing made with oven-roasted eggplant, zucchini and carrot.
My chocolaty quinoa-millet muffins’ recipe is plant-based/vegan, uses no oil and no sugar, and also happens to be gluten-free.
Delicious sweet and savoury vegan Mother's Day recipes for brunch, lunch and dinner.
Follow these practical tips to learn how to cook egg-free and dairy-free recipes.
12 gluten-free vegan pancakes to celebrate Pancake Day! Choose between sourdough pancakes, buckwheat pancakes or vegan buttermilk pancakes.
Delicious and hearty really chocolaty vegan chocolate chip cookies that are also gluten-free and oil-free.
Enjoy a round of delicious and healthy vegan Christmas cookies that are oil-free, gluten-free and refined sugar free.
Savoury vegan sorghum muffins that make a perfect healthy breakfast or snack requiring only 5 ingredients (not counting salt and baking powder).
43 delicious gluten-free vegan Thanksgiving recipes that will please the whole family.
Here’s an easy recipe for gluten-free vegan lemon cake with poppy seeds.
Delicious and easy quinoa-buckwheat crackers with pumpkin that are vegan/plant-based, oil-free, sugar-free, flourless and gluten-free.
My vegan quiche recipe with beetroot and tofu is whole food plant-based, oil-free, sugar-free, gluten-free and vegan Candida diet friendly (except for those on cleanse menu).
Delicious pâté-like oil-free black bean hummus with basil, oven-baked carrots and summer squash.
My version of stuffed flatbread paratha with cauliflower and potato is vegan, plant-based, oil-free, gluten-free and Candida diet friendly.
The autumn can’t go by without trying this gluten-free vegan apple pie that will fill your kitchen with heavenly fall flavors.
I give you mind blowing no yeast gluten-free vegan cinnamon rolls that you’ll definitely fall in love with.