Thyme for Cooking

Thyme for Cooking3,317 recipes

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Cooking recipes from "Thyme for Cooking" - page 103

Grilled Sirloin with Madeira Sauce; Puppy holiday

Grilled Sirloin with Madeira Sauce; Puppy holiday

She was young, she was pure, she was new, she was nice,  She was fair, she was sweet seventeen.

It's a holiday!

It's a holiday!

We're off, doggies and humans, to visit our friend in Spain.

Bonnie and Guapa on summer vacation

Bonnie and Guapa on summer vacation

This is their brother, Ghenghis.

Salmon Kebabs; Stumped for a Birthday Present? Give a Fire Dancer

Salmon Kebabs; Stumped for a Birthday Present? Give a Fire Dancer

‘I’ve been dogged!’ It’s a phrase uttered often when visiting our friend.

Grilled Cod with Horseradish Mustard Sauce

Grilled Cod with Horseradish Mustard Sauce

We’re expanding our fish repertoire.

Mirabelle Clafoutis

Mirabelle Clafoutis

After I cleaned out my little woods last year I discovered that we had plum trees.

Sauté of Chard and Zucchini with Feta

Sauté of Chard and Zucchini with Feta

Chard, or Swiss Chard, is a slightly bitter green, reminiscent of spinach.

Venison Filet Mignon; are you tired?

Venison Filet Mignon; are you tired?

What makes you tired? The kind of tired that makes your mind go blank and you lose the will to move….

Sautéed Sausage and Butternut Squash over Rice

Sautéed Sausage and Butternut Squash over Rice

The only good thing about a bad week is it’s fodder for blog posts….

Stuffed Mushrooms; Football anyone?

Stuffed Mushrooms; Football anyone?

Rumor has it that there’s a Big Game this weekend.

Moroccan Lentils and Butternut Squash; snowed in

Moroccan Lentils and Butternut Squash; snowed in

I’ve been ‘snowed in’ when I lived in Wisconsin – 24 inches (60cm) of fine, blowing snow followed by temperatures far below zero.

Fried Rice, and more rice

Fried Rice, and more rice

There was a time when I was a two-rice cook: Arborio for risotto and Minute Rice for everything else.

Egg Rolls

Egg Rolls

We've (I'm allowed to help, briefly, when absolutely necessary) been hanging wall paper.

Biscotti Picante, The Bodacious Bread Baking Babes turn 4

Biscotti Picante, The Bodacious Bread Baking Babes turn 4

It's FOUR years? I was sure it was just yesterday that I was putting a monster, runny, wet, soupy bowl of dough on top of our boiler (furnace) to proof.

Upside Down Yorkshire Pizza Pie; the update

Upside Down Yorkshire Pizza Pie; the update

Upside Down Yorkshire Pizza Pie

Bad Bonnie, Good Guapa, Frustrated Human

Bad Bonnie, Good Guapa, Frustrated Human

Good Guapa When Guapa went on her big dog walk 2 weeks ago, she was pretty well-behaved.

Caramelized Onion Crespèu, my mornings

Caramelized Onion Crespèu, my mornings

This morning the puppies woke me just as the sun came up, as usual They barked while I brushed my teeth and threw on my puppy clothes, as usual.

Pimiento and Goat Cheese Strudel, working with phyllo

Pimiento and Goat Cheese Strudel, working with phyllo

My first introduction to phyllo dough was Baklava.

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