Healthy food, fresh ingredients, simple reci[es
Spring: Quick & simple Salmon with a White Bean & Spinach Salad - add some fries or rice to finish the meal
This is a great way to use leftover sauerkraut or just to have some kraut!
Pearl couscous is also Israeli couscous or Ancini de Pepe - or very close depending on which expert is asked.
Bread Baking Babes bake Greek Village Bread - an easy, crusty loaf that's baked in a Dutch Oven - Try it!
This is similar to a Stroganoff but made with pork and served on barley - so only vaguely similar.
The "LET'S EAT - European Authentic Taste" project aims to improve the level of knowledge of the merits of EU agri-food products/
If you have bits of pastry left after cutting the squares, brush with melted butter, sprinkle them cinnamon and sugar, and bake for a sweet treat.
The pasta and cauliflower are cooked together - easy clean-up!I used white cheddar - that's what I get here.
You can use corned beef for this - or the leftovers from a 'boiled dinner'.
Vico Food Bos is an Italian service delivering wonderful Italian food all over Europe and the U.
Chicken Breasts in a flavorful tomato sauce, ready with just 30 minutes of cooking time.