Healthy food, fresh ingredients, simple reci[es
Go directly to recipe When I was growing up we always strung popcorn for the Christmas tree.
Adult Cheeseburgers Our neighbors told us that we needn’t worry about mice because our barn had been inhabited by feral cats for several years.
I don’t often post recipes for fish, (Smoked Salmon doesn’t count.
Corsican Beef and Pasta Can we talk? Mon mari is (so he says) getting tired of listening to my litany of complaints.
Asparagus, Tuna and Caper Risotto Mon mari gets out Friday.
First, is there a short name for the automated answering systems that all businesses use now? You know the: If you want help press one; If you just like playing on the phone press two….
No, we are not running naked through the periwinkles under a full moon.
Risotto with Prosciutto and Cannellini I rather enjoy sitting in from of our cute little stove (wood-burning for heat) in the evenings, after the work day is done, watching the flames flickering around the logs.
Taking a picture of an empty cornfield isn’t very interesting….
Goat Cheese and Pimiento Pastries I lived in a smart house once.
As long as I an in the US, visiting family and having a wee holiday, I thought I would entertain you by reprinting: The Saga of the Titre de Sejour, French Paperwork in 4-parts Part V June 9, 2006 We are now the proud holders of unexpired ‘Titre de.