Recipe Balsamic duck breast with honey instant pot - Here, you will prepare the meat with a sour sweet sauce.
Planchas have really burst onto the BBQ scene in the last year.
Your sweet tooth is going to go crazy with these air fryer apple pie egg rolls.
Recipe Risotto with carrots and arugula instant pot - Arugula is a tasty and interesting vegetable.
Recipe Carrots caviar instant pot - This is a good recipe for a first course or a vegetarian.
Recipe Risotto with leeks and bacon instant pot - With that recipe, we are staying in the combination of rice and leeks.
If you want to go for something healthy and also tasty for dinner or lunch, go straight for this yummy salad, where there is roasted chicken, beans and also greens .
Recipe Mashed of sweet potatoes with turnip and cheese instant pot - What is good with the mash is the cooking way.