During Ramadan, the evening breakfast has become the most precious time of the day.
Songkolo merupakan jajanan khas dari Makassar yang berbahan dasar beras ketan yang dimasak dengan santan dan kemudian dikukus hingga matang.
Mungkin bagi sebagian besar kaum urban Indonesia bubble tea, es kopi susu ataupun minuman bersoda masih menjadi favorit pelepas dahaga.
Klepon is Indonesian traditional dessert made from glutinous rice flour filled with palm sugar and covered with grated coconut.
Kegiatan di pagi hari berpengaruh signifikan dalam menentukan mood keseharian saya.
It’s not a typical Saturday… I remember Jakarta is still quiet that day.
Bolani is a traditional Afghan dishes, it’s a leavened flatbread filled with potato or vegetable mixture.
Rice is a staple food in Indonesia- and also in most Asian country.
From the oceans to the mountains Indonesia is endowed with abundant natural produce.
Easy and simple gingerbread cake with cacao nibs recipe.
I could easily say no to a plate of steak or a glass of milkshake, but saying no to noodle dishes (or pasta) is made me feel like I engaged in a criminal act.
For most people, Friday is the beginning of happiness and a good time.
The holiday season has begun, we are only a few days until Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
I love French fries, I could eat it every day and never get bored.
Last week I visited SIAL Interfood 2016 at Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran.
This Asian noodle salad is a perfect way to create a healthy one-dish meal.
Sate lilit is a traditional food from Bali.
Sate tempe is a grilled skewers tempeh marinated with spices and served with peanut sauce.
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