Spring is here and it's time to start thinking about vacations! If you're tired of traveling by car or taking a plane to reach your destination, try traveling by train.
Work on your strength and flexibility with the BOSU! Here are 6 BOSU strength and stretch exercises to add to your workouts this week
Check out my fitness gear review of the Strength Bands from Iron Woody Fitness, and some of my favorite exercises with these bands (like assisted pull-ups!)
Strength and resistance training is gaining popularity today in the fitness world.
Get stronger while maximizing your time in the gym with supersets in this Total body strength workout perfect for hitting every muscle!
"Magic" Chicken is ready to go into the oven.
How to Make Sure You’re Eating to Build Muscle, Strength and Fitness When it comes to following meal plans and getting into the kind of shape you want,
Have you ever wanted to make a personal website for the grandparents to see pics of the kids but didn't know how? Do you have something to sell but have no idea how to start? Or maybe you think it's going to be too expensive to hire someone to make your.
Summer salad recipes that are tasty and satisfying! Plus tips on how to build your own balanced salad that doesn't taste like crap!
Did you know you can use steel cut oats in cookies? And I mean actual cooked steel cut oats in their gooeyest, most spoonable form.
Build your own vegetarian Christmas dinner - just pick one dish from each category, and you'll have an irresistible vegetarian or vegan Christmas dinner!
If you're looking to build healthy habits I have a quick guide on doing it easily and effectively.
How To Build a Bagel Brunch Board - delicious, quick and easy ideas, tips and tricks to create a bagel board for Easter brunch or any spring celebration!
Want to nurture your garden the natural way? Here's a simple step-by-step tutorial for building your own compost bin, with a video
Cheese boards are so delicious, easy to pull together and fun to share with friends, on a date night, or sometimes, even for a simple dinner with some wine! Yes, I have eaten cheese boards for dinner, though it hasn’t happened much lately and I just.
A power plate can give you energy to fight that afternoon slump.
If you're moving away from plastic, check out stainless steel containers for your kitchen.
Even though I like the taste and texture of steel-cut oats, the 30 to 40-minute cooking time is often a detriment.
The opinions