

817 recipes

Cooking recipes with the tag "Dried" - page 32

Basil, dried (spices): grams to ml | FreeFoodTips.com

Basil, dried (spices): grams to ml | FreeFoodTips.com

Do you need to measure dry basil leaves? Well, we can give you the way in which you can get the wright amount of dry basil for your recipe even without using any scales.

How much dried rosemary is in a spoon | FreeFoodTips.com

How much dried rosemary is in a spoon | FreeFoodTips.com

Do you need to measure certain amount of dried rosemary for you recipe, but unfortunately, you have no scales to do this.

Thyme, dried (spices): grams to ml | FreeFoodTips.com

Thyme, dried (spices): grams to ml | FreeFoodTips.com

You need to get some amount of dried thyme into your dish but you have no idea how you do this without using scales.

Chickpeas: volume to weight conversion | FreeFoodTips.com

Chickpeas: volume to weight conversion | FreeFoodTips.com

Here you will find a list of calculations that can help you to measure dried chickpeas without scales.

How to measure dried beans with cups? | FreeFoodTips.com

How to measure dried beans with cups? | FreeFoodTips.com

If you need to measure dried beans and you do not know how to do it without scales then keep reading our article, as we will give you all the necessary calculations on how much beans are in a cup.

How to Cook Yellow Split Peas | FreeFoodTips.com

How to Cook Yellow Split Peas | FreeFoodTips.com

Learn all the tips and tricks that you can use for cooking dried peas at home in your kitchen.

How to cook dried chickpeas on the stove? | FreeFoodTips.com

How to cook dried chickpeas on the stove? | FreeFoodTips.com

There are several ways how you can use chickpeas in your diet.

Dried Apple Slice in the Microwave | FreeFoodTips.com

Dried Apple Slice in the Microwave | FreeFoodTips.com

Apples are one of the most affordable, delicious, and healthy fruits that you can have as a dessert or snack.

Traditional Kourabiedes Cookies

Traditional Kourabiedes Cookies

These deliciously soft and nutty butter cookies are a festive staple come Christmas time in Greece.

Dried Beef Dip and Spinach Dip

Dried Beef Dip and Spinach Dip

Dried Beef Dip and Spinach Dip Both of these dips, Dried Beef Dip and Spinach Dip are two “classic” dips that might have been around longer that I have

Jamaican Black Cake

Jamaican Black Cake

Rich, decadent Jamaican black cake is a Caribbean twist on the classic holiday fruit cake that you’re sure to love this Christmas! Dried fruit is soaked in rich port and fragrant dark rum then blended and folded into a spice cake like you’ve never had.

Grab ‘N’ Go Breakfast Cookies

Grab ‘N’ Go Breakfast Cookies

    Chock full of nuts and dried fruits, this breakfast cookie recipe was one that Madisyn Riffel entered in the 4-H Foods.

Micki’s Mac & Cheese
 - creamy, cheesy + added cream & sun dried tomatoes take this over the top!

Micki’s Mac & Cheese
 - creamy, cheesy + added cream & sun dried tomatoes take this over the top!

     Mac & cheese is one of my favorites and Miki McMullen’s rendition goes beyond basic goodness.

Barry’s Enchiladas with Easy Enchilada Sauce

Barry’s Enchiladas with Easy Enchilada Sauce

Barry decided he wanted to make enchilada sauce .

Sugar, spice, dried fruit and nuts — Sourdough Sweet ‘N Spicy Bread + Quick Overnight Sourdough Starter

Sugar, spice, dried fruit and nuts — Sourdough Sweet ‘N Spicy Bread + Quick Overnight Sourdough Starter

I always keep sourdough starter in the fridge (made from yeast – see recipe below), and usually make sourdough French bread.

Zucchini Quest continues w/ delicious CREAM OF ZUCCHINI SOUP

Zucchini Quest continues w/ delicious CREAM OF ZUCCHINI SOUP

     Delicious! This is a simple soup that is full of flavor.

Creamy Mac & Cheese . . . cream cheese & Cheddar

Creamy Mac & Cheese . . . cream cheese & Cheddar

Cream cheese makes this mac and cheese very creamy, dry mustard, a sprinkling of dried red pepper flakes, and beer add to the flavor.

Dried Beef & Scrambled Egg Casserole

Dried Beef & Scrambled Egg Casserole

Back when I was writing monthly cooking columns for Abilene's Reflector-Chronicle, I interviewed Pat Berkley.

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