This cake is like a banana bread but fudgier, like a chocolate fondant but way more addictive! This recipe is unbelievable, we ate it so fast.
It's that time of year that we love to share treats with neighbors and friends for the holiday season! It only takes 10 minutes to whip up a loaf of this poppy seed bread speckled with tart cranberries and topped with a sweet crumbly topping!
Easy banana bread recipe for an ultra soft and tasty bread (for a 10 inc / 25 cm loaf pan) 10-12 slices
A good banana loaf recipe is a winning addition to any baking repertoire.
Cottage loaves make me think of my childhood – I have no idea why, as I don’t think we often – or indeed ever – ate them.
Today is Father’s Day in the UK – providing the perfect excuse for making some cakes… not that I really ever need an excuse! I’ve been eyeing up these cute little loaf cases…
I think it’s going to be a bumper blackberry year – the bushes are already bowing down with the little back gems.
You might think that yogurt wouldn’t work in a dairy-free cake, but i’ve had great success using dairy-free yogurt to create a light and fluffy but also moist sponge.
This is an adaptation of the Misfit Baker’s wonderful snicker doodle loaf recipe (if you haven’t yet, do check out her blog, she bakes the most wonderful vegan goodies).
Can you believe that the summer holidays are over? At the start they always seem like they’ll go on forever, but in the end they rush by and before you know it it’s September and the st…
This next recipe evolved as a deep set need (read: insane craving ) to consume whole yellow citrus in an edible and fairly appealing way.
I find myself in a seasonal quandary the last quarter of the year.
I suppose when you take hiatuses for as long as I do, you kind of lose any existing writer's edge, while veering in and out of funks, eve.
The reason for the speed post? In all likes it's the rush delivery, last minute to-dos that eventually get done, remain a constant in my .